AI Search Engine For

Scientific Research

Epsilon uses AI to answer research questions with academic literature


How does eating sugar before bed affect sleep quality?

How is hydrogen used for creating clean fuel?

In deep learning, why does attention perform better than LSTMs?

How do the DNA damage repair pathways work?

How has social media affected mental health amongst young adults?

What are the common genetic targets used for treating lung cancer?

What is the effect of minimum wage on inequality?

How does eating sugar before bed affect sleep quality?

How is hydrogen used for creating clean fuel?

In deep learning, why does attention perform better than LSTMs?

How do the DNA damage repair pathways work?

How has social media affected mental health amongst young adults?

What are the common genetic targets used for treating lung cancer?

What is the effect of minimum wage on inequality?



Get Answers With Citations

Ask any research question and Epsilon will scan through more than 200 million papers to find evidence relevant to your question. It will then summarize the relevant passages to provide a ChatGPT-like answer that contains inline references to the underlying source content.



Search For Relevant Publications and Patents

Find publications and patents to help with your research. Epsilon will help group search results into latest research, key texts, and most relevant articles. You can open the papers directly or if a PDF is publicly available, save it to your library.



Find Claims in the Literature

Epsilon can help you find claims within the literature. Enter any claim, and Epsilon will scan through the top search results automatically and find instances of the claim in the paper or patent. This is great for evaluating new research questions, finding citations, or searching for prior art.



Save, Summarize, and Search Across Papers

Upload papers and Epsilon will provide a comprehensive summary of the introduction, results and conclusion. Create libraries and save papers to organize your research. Run searches across your entire library to synthesize results across papers you trust.




Epsilon uses a dataset provided by Semantic Scholar, which contains over 200 million academic papers including ones from PubMed, arXiv, Papers With Code, and more.


For each search query, Epsilon finds the top 100 related papers and passes them along with your query to GPT-4 to generate a summary of the scientific information. Because it uses citations to academic literature, Epsilon is a factual and trustworthy way to use AI for your research.


Epsilon passes search queries to third party infrastructure providers like OpenAI. However, none of this data can be traced back to you individually. The same is true for the papers that you add to your library.

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